Westgate Weekly News
Westgate's Weekly News16 hours 31 minutes agoHaving trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.
Westgate Families,
I hope this finds you having a fantastic last week of the third quarter. It is hard to believe that we are entering into the last stretch of the school year. As we approach April, we have a variety of spirit weeks for students to celebrate acceptance, the environment, and to have a little fun prior to spring break. See below for all the details!
As a reminder, if you know or have a rising kindergarten student please make sure you make an appointment to register them for next school year. By registering your child early, it helps Westgate receive the appropriate staffing for our students. Please see the details below regarding registration, and our upcoming orientation on April 1 at 9:00 a.m.
As we end the quarter, please note that there is no school on Monday, March 31 and Tuesday, April 1. Please ensure you have made alternate arrangements for your child on those days.
Lastly, thank you to our wonderful PTA who held our annual DesignPalooza event last night. It was such a fun evening full of creative and innovative ways to keep eggs safe during a drop. Thank you for everyone that participated and supported our students!
As always, I appreciate your support of all things Westgate, and wish you and your family a wonderful weekend ahead.
All my best,
Hallie Demetriades
Celebrate the Month of the Military Child!April is the Month of the Military Child, a time to honor and recognize the resilience and sacrifices of children in military families. Show your support by wearing purple on Wednesday, April 9th, for Purple Up Day! Purple represents the combined colors of all military branches and serves as a symbol of appreciation for our military-connected students and their families.
In addition to Purple Up Day, we are participating in a Month of the Military Child service project to give back to our military community.
Check out the Month of the Military Child Calendar and Service Project Flyer to see how you can get involved! Let’s come together as a school community to show our appreciation and support!
WestFest 2025 - Save the Date!Save the date for WestFest 2025—a vibrant celebration of our incredible and diverse community! Join us on Thursday, May 8th, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at Westgate for an evening of fun, connection, and festivities. Stay tuned for details on food donations, activities, and volunteer opportunities—we can’t wait to celebrate with you!
Yearbooks on Sale Now!Don't miss out on this year's memories! Please see below on how you can purchase a 2024-25 Westgate yearbook. All orders are due by April 18.
April Spirit Days at Westgate Westgate BOGO Book Fair is Coming Soon- Volunteers Needed!Westgate’s buy one get one free book fair will be held April 25th- May 2nd. Family night will be on April 30th from 4:00- 6:00. Please volunteer to help at the book fair using this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4DA5A923A7FA7-55843984-westgate
Kindergarten Registration & OrientationDo you have, or know of a rising kindergartener scheduled to come to Westgate next year? All students that turn five by September 30, 2025 are eligible to attend Kindergarten this fall. Please spread the word that registration is underway as we are excited to meet our newest Wolves. Please consider registering asap since our staffing reflects the number of registered students. Registration information for kindergarten and new students can be found on our website here.
Also, we will hold our annual Kindergarten Orientation for parents and students on Tuesday, April 1 at 9:00 a.m. This will provide an overview of our kindergarten program and gives an opportunity for both parents and students to meet teachers, families, and other staff. We hope to see many of our new wolves and their families at Westgate that day! You may also contact our main office at 703-610-5700 or [email protected] if you have additional questions.
🏫 Helping Your Child Prepare for KindergartenWe recognize that parents are their children’s first teachers. Explore the resources on FCPS’ School Readiness and Transition to Kindergarten webpage for ways to help ensure your child starts kindergarten with confidence.
🏫Ayude a su Niño a Prepararse para el Kindergarten
Las FCPS reconocen que los padres son los primeros maestros de sus hijos. Los recursos disponibles en la página web de Preparación para la Escuela y Transición a Kindergarten, les ofrecen a los padres formas de apoyar a sus niños para que tengan una transición exitosa a kindergarten.
⏰ Coming Soon: School Start Times SurveyLast year, FCPS held community forums and surveyed middle school families regarding middle school start times. Now, we would like to hear from all staff and families on the possibility of adjusting school start times across the division. The goal remains to begin middle school at 8 a.m. or later at the start of the 2026-27 school year.
On April 1, a survey link will be sent by email to staff, parents/caregivers, and students in grades 5-12. The confidential survey will be open for two weeks and will be available in multiple languages.
Middle School Chorus Interest FormsDear Sixth Grade Students and Families,
As you prepare for middle school, there are a lot of choices to make. One very important decision is what elective to take. There are many different electives to choose from. Chorus is one of these amazing choices. If your singer would like to be a part of chorus in middle school, please read the below information as the chorus directors want to place your singer in the best group for them. Each director has also asked that all interested students submit the information requested by Friday, April 11, 2025.
Chorus at Kilmer Middle School:
Mr. Kevin Sapp is the chorus director at Kilmer. There are over four different ensembles to choose from. Some require an audition/placement. Therefore, please compete THIS google form if you are interested in chorus. Mr. Sapp is asking for each to record themselves singing any song on their choice (last question on form). If you have any questions, please email Mr. Sapp at [email protected].
Chorus at Longfellow Middle School:
Mrs. Kimberly Dawson is the chorus director at Longfellow Middle School. To learn about chorus at Longfellow, be sure to read the attached informative flyer. Within that flyer there is a google form to complete as well as submit a video so Mrs. Dawson can hear you sing and place you in the correct ensemble. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Dawson at [email protected].
If you have any questions about this process, you can also contact your child’s current music teacher Mrs. Schubert at [email protected] and/or Ms. Jennelle at [email protected]. Further, this information has also been posted in your singer’s music course in Schoology. We hope you choose the elective that is best for you in middle school!
Family Folk Song ProjectMarch is Music in Our School’s month. To help celebrate this exciting month, as well as the amazing diversity we have here at Westgate, all students are encouraged to participate in the Family Folk Song Project. This is a project that is geared towards sharing music from the many different cultures, families, and languages we have here in our Westgate community. Please see the attached flyer here to learn more about this great opportunity. For any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Schubert at [email protected] or Ms. Jennelle at [email protected].
🌯 Chipotle Fundraiser for Westgate Elementary PTA 🌯25% of event sales will be donated to the PTA!
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 22nd 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: 8461 Leesburg Pike Ste A Vienna, VA 22182
Prefer to order online? No problem! Just use the code YMP6ELR when placing your order for pickup, and a portion of the proceeds will still benefit our cause.
Join Our Volunteers at WestgateWe hope you had a wonderful winter break and are reaching out as we need your support. The PTA has upcoming events such as BINGO, Volleyball and others that we can only make happen with the support of volunteers. We are looking for individuals to chair these events in partnership with a board member who has run these events in the past. Chairing these events are a great way to get involved and to be sure they can continue to happen at Westgate and the kids love seeing their parents help at school. If interested in getting involved or learning more, please reach out to [email protected]
Literacy Resources for FamiliesFCPS has created a literacy resource page for families as we have embarked on a new Benchmark curriculum. Families may access these resources here. Please reach out to your child's classroom teacher if you have specific literacy questions.
PTA MembershipAll are welcome at our PTA meetings. Joining the Westgate PTA and donating $15 per family amplifies your voice in our school community, gives you the opportunity to vote on PTA-led events and initiatives, and comes with a free, stylish Westgate magnet to drive around OUR neighborhood with. Your membership also helps the PTA create a more dynamic year of programming and advocacy.
To be a part of this thriving community, we invite you to join the PTA. Dues are $15 per family and you can sign up HERE!
Arrival/Dismissal Safety Reminders for WestgatePlease remember to be mindful of our important safety procedures during arrival and dismissal.
- There are NO left hand turns allowed in, or out of, Kiss & Ride during arrival or dismissal.
- There are NO illegal u-turns allowed in front of the school on Magarity Road. Please enter kiss and ride from the correct side (towards rt. 7) and follow the traffic pattern, as we've witnessed both student and staff safety being compromised too often.
- Please ONLY cross your child at the dedicated cross walk (with police officer). Crossing you children at any other location is not safe.
- There is NO parking on either side of Magarity Rd. right in front of the school. Please do not park in these areas.
- Cars are not permitted in the bus loop between 8:20 - 9:00 a.m. and between 3:00 - 3:40 p.m.
Our number one priority at Westgate remains student safety. Thank you for adhering to these very important safety reminders. Please note that the Fairfax County Police Department will be closely monitoring this situation.
⏰ Limited Early Release Mondays - Westgate Dismisses at 12:30 p.m.The remaining early release dates for Westgate are:
- April 28
- May 19
The SIS (Student Information System) ParentVUE Account is an online tool parents can use to access information about their child’s attendance, report cards, discipline incidents, health information, and more. In ParentVUE, you can also view student progress reports/report cards and SOL scores.
Your secure SIS ParentVUE Account offers you the ability to use one username/password to login to both the SIS ParentVUE Account and Schoology.
Using the SIS ParentVUE account, parents will also be able to view school information, including teacher e-mail addresses, the FCPS calendar, and emergency contact information. Visit the FCPS website and use the search function and keywords “SIS Parent Overview” for more information.
Many of you have already activated your SIS ParentVUE account with the activation key. If you are unable to login to your account, you may need to reset your password on the SIS Parent Account login page (https://sisparent.fcps.edu):
- Select the “Forgot Password” button.
- Your username is the primary email address you have on file with us in our Student Information System.
- More information is available here.
Newly enrolled families should have received an activation key for your account. If you have not yet activated your account, please reach out to Tracy Green at [email protected].
Please take action now to ensure your account is active!
School Meals & Free and Reduced Price Meal ApplicationsBreakfast and Lunch
Breakfast will cost $1.75. Lunch will cost $3.25, and milk $0.60. Money can be added to your child’s accounts using www.myschoolbucks.com. You can also write a check to Westgate Food Services and deliver it to our Food Services Manager at Open House. During the school year, you can find the menu for breakfast and lunch here .
Free and Reduced-Price Status
Students eligible for free or reduced-price meals will continue to receive these benefits through the end of September. A new application must be filled out each new school year and forms are available online now: https://www.fcps.edu/resources/student-safety-and-wellness/food-and-nutrition-programs/free-and-reduced-price-meals.
Applications are accepted at any time, but we encourage you to apply or renew your application before the end of September. Call (703) 610-5700 if you need help. This must be completed for eligible students to receive free meals.
Parent Digital Consent SystemNew this year, families will use the Parent Digital Consent System to complete some forms that have used paper in the past. You will log in using your ParentVUE Account credentials, There, you will be able complete the Digital Resources Consent form for the school year, which is required for all students. You will also be able to find more information about opt-out forms and complete those forms for your student.
Multilingual Parent Information Line☎️ Parent Information Phone Line Available in Eight Languages
Parents/caregivers who speak Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, or Vietnamese may call a telephone information line for general information about FCPS. View the list of phone numbers.
Spanish: ☎️ Línea Telefónica de Información para Padres Disponible en Ocho IdiomasPadres/cuidadores que hablan Amárico, Árabe, Chino, Farsi, Coreano, Español, Urdu o Vietnamita pueden llamar a una línea telefónica de información para obtener información general sobre FCPS. También pueden obtener apoyo para comunicarse con la escuela de su hijo. Vea la lista de números de teléfono.
March28 - End of 3rd Quarter
31 - No School for Students/Staff - Eid al-Fitr
April1 - No School for Students
- Kindergarten Orientation @ 9:00 a.m.
14-18 - No School for Students - Spring Break
25 - Westgate Staff Volleyball Game @ Marshall HS
30 - PTA Meeting/Art Show @ 6:00 p.m.
7500 Magarity Rd, Falls Church, VA 22043 | Main Office: 703.610.5700